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How Long Does It Take to Start a Montana LLC?

The state of Montana offers a surprisingly streamlined process for starting an LLC. If you are starting a new Montana LLC as a business, or want a holding company for movable assets (such as RVs or exotic cars), a good Montana registered agent makes the process easy. While every setup is different, you can usually complete the process swiftly and get your Montana LLC up and running within a business day.

montana llc

Name your LLC

You can name your LLC another form of the name you are using for a company you may have set up in your home state, or something entirely new. Choose carefully though, because this is how the state will identify your business and you’ll have to legally change it later if you change your mind. Your name must include either the abbreviation LLC or the words “Limited Liability Company” in the name. The name also must be distinguishable from any currently registered name in Montana.

You can let us know what company names you are interested in, and we can check to make sure they are available to register with the Montana Secretary of State’s office. (MAYBE INCLUDE A LINK HERE TO OUR CONTACT PAGE ON OUR WEBSITE).

Select a Registered Agent

Montana is like other states, in that they require an LLC to have a registered agent. This individual or entity has to have a physical address in Montana. The registered agent is the one who will be responsible for forwarding official mail and will become your state’s contact point with your business. In Montana, the registered agent is also authorized to handle vehicle registrations to the LLC it works for. If you live in Montana, you can fulfill these roles yourself. If you don’t live in Montana, you’ll need an in-state entity or person.

We provide Montana physical/mailing addresses for your LLC to satisfy Montana government requirements to file your LLC and register vehicles to i.

File your Articles of Organization

This paperwork is required by the state to create your Montana LLC, and you’ll need a company name, registered agent details, and member (owner) information to complete this step. Once the articles are submitted, they will be reviewed and your LLC will be approved – or you will receive instructions about what you need to do to gain approval. 

We have years of experience filing companies, and can get that done quickly and efficiently. After filing, we email a copy of that to you to keep in your files.

Apply for an EIN

If you don’t already have one, now is the time to apply for an Employer Identification Number; this is similar to a personal social security number but for your new business. You’ll need this if you need to file taxes or to open business bank accounts. You can request one free from the IRS here. or we can apply for an EIN for your LLC for a fee.

how long does it take to get a montana llc

Creating a Montana LLC can take considerable time, but it doesn't have to. We cut through the waiting and hassles by asking some simple questions about what's needed to create your LLC and then getting it filed within a business day of getting your order. Get in touch with our team today to minimize the time your application takes and to make the most of an LLC based in Montana. 

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